Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hold the lomo

Well, the “one week left” countdown started yesterday! So weird to believe that this time next week I will be HOME.

With one week left we re-started our usual routine… we went to the library! Sunday was a lazy day because we were so tired from Portugal, so Monday (yesterday) we wanted to get as much homework done as possible. I mean, who wants to spend the entire week in the library when there is so much left of Spain to see! My time is limited now! So, after conquering three journal entries and writing two business letters in the library we came back for lunch, which was thankfully not like lunch on Sunday. Sunday we had 2 hot dogs without the bun, 2 fried zucchini slices, 1 fried egg and a mound of steamed rice with a lovely glob of ketchup. What a combo. Dinner wasn’t much better that night either. If we had only had the pasta salad that came first it would’ve been great, but please, hold the lomo. But Monday’s lunch was meat, potatoes, carrots… it’s a dish that really, really wants to be my mom’s pot roast, but let’s be serious, what could ever compare to that?

School was fun and different yesterday. My grammar glass went by much faster than usual and so did my business class! Unfortunately my professor had a family emergency so she couldn’t be there but it made class much easier for us. We were outta there in 30 minutes! Sah-weet! The even cooler thing is that our Samford professor that is here with us (Dr. Jensen) went shopping with us after school! No worries, I didn’t buy anything else. Emily and I started the packing process on Sunday night and I quickly realized that there is officially no more room for anything. Coming home should be quite the adventure.

On our way home from school we may have stopped at our favorite pastry shop. I’m a huge Panera fan, Starbucks fan… homemade dessert fan, but wow… not much has ever compared to this place. We get the sampler platter of whatever we want and it has never failed me yet. Delicious!

When we got to our street we saw our construction worker friends back at work. We haven’t seen them in a few days so it was a nice surprise! We got to talk to Alejandro (after about a month here, we finally learned his name) for a few minutes. He is from Argentina so it was a little difficult to understand his accent but fun nonetheless!

After dinner, which again, if it just stopped after the first dish, everything would be fine! We had gazpacho, which is a huge favorite of Emily’s and mine. Probably on our top 5 things we will miss most about Spain list. But no, we added the biggest piece of fried fish I’ve ever seen in my ENTIRE life, and about 10 french fries. Would you like some fried food anyone?

Emily, Taylor, Molly, Carmen and I decided to go to the river after dinner. Once we finally figured out where we were going it was beautiful! We walked along the bridge for a little bit and wondered around the city capturing its beauty at night. It was fun getting to hang out with each other and hear about everyone’s free weekend. We stopped at a little café to get a drink and some ice-cream and then sat on a bench in a very cute park near the center of town. After Molly and Carmen left, Taylor, Emily and I went to play on our favorite playground near our house. They have a swing that could hold about 10 kids I’m pretty sure. Somehow the three of us managed to sit on it at the same time. Definitely some priceless memories made! I sure will miss that swing.

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